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Verified PAY PAL

How I'll be verified PAY PAL the phenomenal world in Selling tablets Buy n Sell...

Already done with two Visa Debit card still fails to verify, it turns out there is another way by using a savings account number.

Don't search ABG on google Yes.. :D

Haahahahaa ... definitely , savings book where is it, becouse rarely hold the book n ga remember when the savings account wheres the nomber, who know the ATM took money in. ..hahahaa ...same as me... Got reference can look at..
Here's the source:  how to verify Bank Account Using Paypal free 

or you can contact here to pay source: pay with Paypal Verification

Bagaimana caranya biar bisa verified PAY PAL yang fenomenal itu loh dalam dunia Jual n Beli...
Sudah dilakukan dengan 2 Visa Debit card masih gagal juga untuk verifikasi, ternyata ada cara lainyaitu dengan menggunakan Nomor Rekening Tabungan.
Jangan cari ABG di google ya.. :D

Haahahahaa...pasti pada ngeluh, buku tabungan di taro dimane, krena jarang pegang buku n ga inget No Rekening tabungan nyah, yang di tau tinggal masuk ATM ambil duid..hahahaa..sama dong...#..peleh..#

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